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西潔, 石原和弘. 火山地域における震源計算についての提案. 火山. 2003, 48(5), p. 407–413. [src] [SIST02]
Pisciella, Paola; Pelino, Mario. FTIR spectroscopy investigation of the crystallisation process in an iron rich glass. Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 2005, 25(11), p. 1855–1861. [src] [SIST02]
Fan, Hongyou et al. Ordered nanocrystal/silica particles self-assembled from nanocrystal micelles and silicate. Chem. Commun. (Camb.). 2006, (22), p. 2323–2325. [src] [SIST02]
下山昌彦. セキュリティスキャナを用いた偽札の新しい検査手法の開発. CICSJ Bulletin. 2005, 23(3), p. 95–98. http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/cicsj/ 23/3/23_95/_article/-char/ja/, (参照 2006-03-07). [src] [SIST02]
Takayama, Chitoshi; Inoue, Yoshiro. Morphological development and maturation of the GABAergic synapses in the mouse cerebellar granular layer. Developmental Brain Research. 2004, 150(2), p. 170–190. http://eprints.lib.hokudai.ac.jp/dspace/bitstream/2115/17162/1/DBR150-2.pdf, (参照 2007-03-01). [src] [SIST02]
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